This B2B Automotive Parts distribution business offers a simple and proven business model backed by strong financials that are disclosed in advance during the due diligence process. Learn more about how to Open An Auto Parts Distribution Franchise.
With over 200 locations nationwide & growing, the Auto Parts industry is experiencing an amazing growth trajectory.
Servicing a specific and needed niche in the automotive parts segment. New product offerings are constantly added to the network for huge growth opportunities.
Consumers NEED to fix their cars. Mechanics NEED to purchase parts to fix those cars. Our proprietary distribution system allows you to work ON the business not IN the business.
As an owner of the Franchise you would handle marketing, ordering, hiring & operations of the business.

Our proprietary distribution system allows sourcing from over one hundred major manufacturers and our purchasing system drives down vendor cost allowing franchises to always be competitively priced in the market.
Helps fine tune each and every market to have a unique inventory.
Makes sure the exact part is almost always on hand at the franchisee’s warehouse to provide hot shot deliveries to customers often within 1 to 2 hours.
Contains a “Customer Relationship Management” (CRM) feature providing superior marketing formulas.
The CRM automatically tracks every phone call, in-person sales visit, mailer, comment, and sale made to each of the customers in their territory.
Constantly analyzes the data in order to give the franchisee efficient direction on where to focus next with marketing efforts.
Provides instant up-to-date information on profitability, sales performance and employee productivity.
Always having the correct parts in stock when a customer calls will create long lasting customer relationships. When auto repair shops call for parts they typically buy from whomever has the part available that day at the best price.

Our system provides data that highlights which local auto repair shops should be targets for a sales call or a personal visit. These timely customer contacts provide a competitive advantage over competitors who do not have sophisticated systems to track the same customers. Giving our franchisee superior visibility into their market allows them to build their market share and grow their sales.
New product line development is something we find imperative to success and we have expanded into fuel, exhaust, heavy duty, and more. The addition of new products lead to vertical expansion through the existing customer base that consists of a robust, loyal group of customers who are already buying from us. New products will continue to be developed which allows our franchisees the opportunity to continue growing their business.
Auto parts are here to stay & with this Franchise you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.
Open An Auto Parts Distribution Franchise
About the author:
John Henning has almost 20 years experience in the Franchise industry as a Franchise Developer, Franchise Owner & Franchise Sales Manager. He has personally helped over 500 entrepreneurs open a Franchise business. You can reach John at: